Life's Absurdities

"All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific." ~Jane Wagner, The Search For Intelligent Life In The Universe

Friday, October 15, 2010


Hi everyone. I've lost my Internet for the last week. Still trying to get it sorted out. I will be posting something soon.

This morning I finished my final draft of my book 'The Pattern Thief'. It's about 106,000 words long. It went up from my previous 104,000, but it's better than all my drafts combined. I've sent it out to about 60 agents so far. One bit, but then said it wasn't for her after receiving more materials. I've gotten some positive feedback, but no takers.

I've had it out for about four months now for publishing. I know it takes time and perseverance.

A question for any who read the blog. Have any of you heard of Tate Publishing. They're supposed to be a split between an outright vanity press and a legitimate publisher. It takes an 'investment', but they are supposed to only accept 5% of the submissions they receive. I could only find comments about them in the 2005 - 2006 time frame. If you know something, let me know. They want to publish 'The Pattern Thief', but I'm uncertain as to whether they're plainly a vanity press just trying to make as much as they can. Their website says they invest over $26,000 in your book.

I'll be back soon if I can get the stupid Internet going again.


  1. I've never heard of them, and I'd be wary of anyone wanting money to publish your book. Although, maybe it's a step above self publishing and they do some marketing.

  2. I hope you've got your internet back again! I've been out of the blog world working on my novella, but I'm reading blogs again now. I haven't heard of Tate publishing. I would suggest you check Predators and Editors (you should be able to google that. I don't know the URL off the top of my head). You should be able to tell there if it's a legitimate publisher or not. Great job on finishing The Pattern Thief, and on all the querying. Keep going! My friend Elana queried 189 agents, before she found one. Her book comes out next summer! So, don't give up if you get a bunch of rejections. Remember, it only takes one acceptance.
